So, partying - meaning, smoking and drinking (whatever else you do is between you and your liver/heart/lungs), is wicked hard on your body. I’m pretty sure that’s made apparent in the hangovers, the general lethargic movements, the headaches, the painful, bloated back problems - whatever ails you, it’s because your partytime leaves much for your body to desire.
And what does it desire you ask? Drinking and smoking zaps your skin of Vitamin A - aging it faster, causing imperfections, and overall dehydrating your complexion (Vit A in its pure form is that age-defying ingredient Retinol and even fights acne in the form of Retin-A). While I am a firm believer in the vitamin in the simple reasoning that it “makes me feel better,” science proves it: fix what you screwed up the night before and eat your vegetables and take supplements.
Now have a great new year, my teetotalers!
(Image from